5 research outputs found

    Multi Stage based Time Series Analysis of User Activity on Touch Sensitive Surfaces in Highly Noise Susceptible Environments

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    This article proposes a multistage framework for time series analysis of user activity on touch sensitive surfaces in noisy environments. Here multiple methods are put together in multi stage framework; including moving average, moving median, linear regression, kernel density estimation, partial differential equations and Kalman filter. The proposed three stage filter consisting of partial differential equation based denoising, Kalman filter and moving average method provides ~25% better noise reduction than other methods according to Mean Squared Error (MSE) criterion in highly noise susceptible environments. Apart from synthetic data, we also obtained real world data like hand writing, finger/stylus drags etc. on touch screens in the presence of high noise such as unauthorized charger noise or display noise and validated our algorithms. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm performs qualitatively better than the existing solutions for touch panels of the high end hand held devices available in the consumer electronics market qualitatively.Comment: 9 pages (including 9 figures and 3 tables); International Journal of Computer Applications (published

    Classification of Myopathies on Molecular basis in Drosophila using Raman spectroscopy

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    Myopathies are muscular diseases in which muscle fibers degenerate due to many factors such as nutrient deficiency, infection and mutations in myofibrillar etc. The objective of this study is to identify the bio-markers to distinguish various muscle mutants in Drosophila (fruit fly) using Raman Spectroscopy. Principal Components based Linear Discriminant Analysis (PC-LDA) classification model yielding >95% accuracy was developed to classify such different mutants representing various myopathies according to their physiopathology

    Classification of Myopathies on Molecular basis in Drosophila using Raman spectroscopy

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    Myopathies are muscular diseases in which muscle fibers degenerate due to many factors such as nutrient deficiency, infection and mutations in myofibrillar etc. The objective of this study is to identify the bio-markers to distinguish various muscle mutants in Drosophila (fruit fly) using Raman Spectroscopy. Principal Components based Linear Discriminant Analysis (PC-LDA) classification model yielding >95% accuracy was developed to classify such different mutants representing various myopathies according to their physiopathology

    Raman Spectroscopic Studies on Screening of Myopathies

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    Myopathies are among the major causes of mortality in the world. There is no complete cure for this heterogeneous group of diseases, but a sensitive, specific, and fast diagnostic tool may improve therapy effectiveness. In this study, Raman spectroscopy is applied to discriminate between muscle mutants in Drosophila on the basis of associated changes at the molecular level. Raman spectra were collected from indirect flight muscles of mutants, <i>upheld<sup>1</sup></i> (<i>up<sup>1</sup></i>), <i>heldup<sup>2</sup></i> (<i>hdp<sup>2</sup></i>), <i>myosin heavy chain<sup>7</sup></i> (<i>Mhc<sup>7</sup></i>), <i>actin88F<sup>KM88</sup></i> (<i>Act88F<sup>KM88</sup></i>), <i>upheld<sup>101</sup></i> (<i>up<sup>101</sup></i>), and <i>Canton-S</i> (<i>CS</i>) control group, for both 2 and 12 days old flies. Difference spectra (mutant minus control) of all the mutants showed an increase in nucleic acid and β-sheet and/or random coil protein content along with a decrease in α-helix protein. Interestingly, the 12th day samples of <i>up<sup>1</sup></i> and <i> Act88F<sup>KM88</sup></i> showed significantly higher levels of glycogen and carotenoids than <i>CS</i>. A principal components based linear discriminant analysis classification model was developed based on multidimensional Raman spectra, which classified the mutants according to their pathophysiology and yielded an overall accuracy of 97% and 93% for 2 and 12 days old flies, respectively. The <i>up<sup>1</sup></i> and <i>Act88F<sup>KM88</sup></i> (nemaline-myopathy) mutants form a group that is clearly separated in a linear discriminant plane from <i>up<sup>101</sup></i> and <i>hdp<sup>2</sup></i> (cardiomyopathy) mutants. Notably, Raman spectra from a human sample with nemaline-myopathy formed a cluster with the corresponding Drosophila mutant (<i>up<sup>1</sup></i>). In conclusion, this is the first demonstration in which myopathies, despite their heterogeneity, were screened on the basis of biochemical differences using Raman spectroscopy